Now is a matter of motivation

I'm progressing little by little in all my goals I have set:

  1. I advanced more in my studies in JavaScript. I decided to keep taking notes until I start to learn how to do manipulations to the HTML DOM.
  2. In Haskell, I'm advancing more slowly still advanced a few chapters. I'm in no hurry because my plan is to use it in data analysis, and that means how to do I/O and I had read that monads are involved.
  3. Still the GPU issue isn't solved, it hasn't crashed in a while, but I haven't stressed too much since then. The advantage in reading and learning programming is that I'm not forcing my GPU.

My big problem right now is in my job, I have a hard time motivating myself to quickly compete the refactoring of the code I'm doing. I have mostly nailed how to do it, but in each new section of the code there is a challenging part that make me pause the rythm of writing code. Is specially demotivating that I need to finish a code and then immediatly document what it does. I have a template in how to document it, and save problems in the future, but that force me to search and paste information from other files to do it.

Right now, I'm thinking that maybe I have some psychological problem that doesn't let me work, I even just scheduled an appointment to start solving a lot of problems in my life. And this problem in my job is like the 3rd problem in my life for now... my inner-life is so fucked up right now.

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